4 Octobre 2013
Hi all, it's time for the monthly news.
During september we worked a lot on fixing and optimising Card.biz.
We also add a few really nice features
New org chart visualization :
When you choose the "++" buton onto the org chart view, you can now have a completly new way to dive into your organization. We want to offer a new experience, with no horizontal scroll and with less people on each page.
It is a first step and we really want to have your feedbacks. (contact@card.biz)
Multi-directories :
You're now able to link to directories. The aim here is to help organizations wich have teams in really different structure or which are not using the same color scheme.
New crop tool for photos :
We add a new tool to crop and resize pictures. The previous one wasn'nt confortable with rectangle pictures. Now, we can handle it, wich mean, less problem for admins.
We have also worked on the .csv import. We still have work to do on it, but it's becoming a really good way to setup your card.biz
As you may know, Card.biz business model is NOT based on selling datas, so we've planned to offer paid account in the next weeks. We will send to every card.biz owner an email before launching it. We want you to know, that paid offers are coming, with gentle prices.
Your best
Richard for the Card.biz team.