28 Novembre 2012
Each year, in the begining of December, in Paris we have LeWeb, #1 European Industry event and Card.biz will be there :)
We also build a Card.biz of the Official Bloggers here http://leweb12.card.biz/
This year LeWeb'12 theme is : THE INTERNET OF THINGS
iThings, data everywhere, M2M, connected objects, Web 3.0, are not just buzzwords touting the next big thing. It is said that the “Internet of Things” (IoT) will likely be one of the most important technological advances of this century.
By 2020, an estimated 50 billion devices will be connected to the Internet.
This hyperconnected world is fueling the creation of an IoT that will bring devices, systems and people closer together. It’s about a melding of the physical world and the virtual world.